I love seeing moms and dads who care and love their babies so deeply, they infuse them with a kind of love that penetrates the heartstrings of their beings. When their children grow up, they are loving, trustworthy, kind, and compassionate and pursue their artistic interests and fruits of their imagination. Parents,you can change the world by how you nurture your children.

Fathers are responsible for the self-esteem of their girls, while mothers make them loving, when girls see how moms behave in the world. If you are into yourselves first, your daughters mimic what you do, cling to you to get their needs met.

The reverse is true – invest in them your quality attention, allow them to revel you with their explorations during play and movement and they grow to be more decisive, independent and interested in life.

“One soul at a time, we change the world.”

“When you have steadfast values of living a life for others, you know what to do.”

#princess2015la did this artwork at her school. She told me I am the chocolate swirled ice cream on a cone and she is the ice cream sundae. Awww…now it hangs in my fireplace as her smile warms my heart.