I was sitting many mornings ago by my front window. A luminous, beautiful African American woman with a neat hairdo passed by. My heart wanted to ask her the secret of her luminosity.

I ran out of my front door and, huffing and puffing, approached her. With audacity and asking for an apology for stopping her, I asked her my question: I sense your bright aura and contentment. What is your secret?

She responded: “I try to leave the place wherever I am or work at, better than I found it.” It became my theme, and to remember, I had it printed on the back of my business card.


One Sunday, at the Farmer’s Market, with temperate weather and sun at its peak rise, I met a nine yo Iranian girl, quite pensive. She was drawing and coloring. I asked her why she looked so sad.

She said: “I was staying at my friend’s house, a mansion. We were crying. We could hear her parents shouting. We could not play.”

I then asked her what her drawing was about. She has a dream “to be Mayor of Los Angeles and to build homes for those living in the streets.” I hugged her after asking permission from her mom. The Mayor then was Antonio Villaraigosa, in 2004. That was 19 years ago when LA City residents were already concerned about homelessness.

I am sharing this post with Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg and Karen Bass – may your influential powers be positive forces for good!

Humanity has to care more for others instead of accumulating more numerical digits in our bank accounts.

Photos of breakfast and dinner for my family, my other mother, and my workers, finishing a project, with other inspiring images for me.-@Prosy Delacruz, 2023.