I love my walks around the block with my beloved, my soulmate, my #princess2015la who teaches me about joy in daily encounters, about how to call on Baby Jesus, with closed eyes, especially when she has nightmares.

Few days ago, I smelled something awful and right away, she held my hand and said, after we passed a block,”Did you talk to Baby Jesus, Grandma?”

No, I didn’t. “Oh I did Grandma so that awful thing stopped.”
My granddaughter has extra sensory perceptive abilities. She senses her dad a block away even before he parks his car or rings the doorbell to pick her up.
After, I asked : You seem to have joy all the time. Do you ever get sad?
“Yes, Grandma, I get sad.”
Oh when does it happen?
“When parent A gets mad at me. I get so hurt and angry.”
Oh, what about parent B?
“I get hurt, too but not angry.”
How come, I asked?
“Because parent B gets down to where I am, granddaughter demonstrates how tall she is, and parent B explains to me.”
Sunday Reflection:Fr. John Cordero gave a very beautiful homily, rich in spiritual wisdom and the #Spiritthatmatters
Highlights of homily today: “Spirit is the substance of reality. It is why we follow the spirit of the law. We follow the Spirit that matters. Just like we appreciate inner beauty, a beauty that is deeper than the externals (sustained with cosmetics and fade with time).
Spirit is deeper than the looks, looks enhanced by cosmetics. We come to realize the beauty is in the heart. The Lord will not give us physical things to satisfy us but the longings of the human heart, and that is life-giving.
God teaches us the heart matters, not just the superficial. Recall how the disciples forgot to see to see The Spirit? Finally, an apostle said we have come to believe and that belief comes with struggles. That struggle to believe continues to today.
Following the Lord is a struggle. If we have come to believe, we have to bring Jesus in the conversation, not just with anybody, not the echo chambers nor the Protestant evangelical murmurings and complaining to them, as you will find Jesus is not there. Discern with Jesus in your heart, not just with anyone, but with Jesus alone.”
She discerned, as I.