Let’s make Kyiv the moral capital of the world: moral center of humanity, spirituality and peace; honoring these citizens who stand for goodness and dignity of human beings to be free to pursue their lives, who love justice and will not yield to evil!

President Joe Biden you are the 46th US President who campaigned to bring back the soul of America. We are now being called to recapture and renew the soul of the world! May it be so, dear Lord!!

The Angel of Peace appeared once in spring, summer and again in autumn of 1916. Recall that in 1916, there was chaos, violence, and it was Europe’s darkest moments of atheism, hatred, the rise of fascism and a year after, the Bolshevik Revolution broke out in Russia.

Lucia described seeing the Angel of Peace, “It was whiter than snow, transparent as crystal when the sun shines through it and of great beauty. He drew closer and said, ‘Do not be afraid! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me. My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You. I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You. Then, rising, he said, ‘Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications.” (Source: “Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words,” 22nd edition October 2018).
For the first apparition, “He was holding a chalice in his left hand, with a Host suspended above it, from which some drops of blood fell into the chalice. Leaving the chalice and host suspended in the air, the Angel prostrated beside the little shepherds and gave the Host to Lucia and the contents of the chalice to Francisco and Jacinta, saying ‘Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God,” Lucia wrote in her own words.
Six months later, the heavens opened up again and Our Lady of Fatima appeared on the 13th of May, 13th of June, 13th of July, 19th of August, 13th of September and 13th of October in 1917, six apparitions in all.
On the first apparition, they were asked by Our Lady to come successively for six months on the 13th day at this same hour. She asked them if they were willing to make sacrifices.