152 days of #socialdistancing due to #CoronaVirus
152 days of #digitalmass
348 days of #celeryjuicemaking

I often wondered how my #princess2015la is an innate #factoryofjoy?
Days ago, she came upon her #grandpa‘s strawberries. She immediately placed both over her eyes and said, “strawberry eyes.” What do you see? She sees love in others.
I made one day #macaroniandcheese and I requested her to come with me and to give it to our sweet, kind and generous in spirit octogenarian, vibrant and healthy neighbor, Larry.

She asked why? I told her that Larry likes her and may want to see her. She quickly replied, “He also likes Bonnie.” True enough, when we knocked on Larry’s door, I shared with them what my apo said. Bonnie responded with graciousness, “But, Larry likes #princess2015la more.
“When we got back to my place, she was all smiles. It does not take much to give joy to someone. Larry responds by giving me a beautiful close up photo of my apo.
My granddaughter then showed me her newly constructed farm, with flower petals as animals and plumeria flowers as trees. She also pointed to a brown rectangle patch and called it “a fake garden.
“I like that she tells me how she feels, what she thinks about, what she carries inside her mind and heart. It reminded me of the prayers today: “To be a lamp shining in a dark place, as the morning sun rises in your heart.” Maybe because, and in her words: “Grandma, you accept what I say.” I don’t challenge her, I simply validate and redirect.
May we all rise up from being one of the poorest nations in capacities to respond to Coronavirus with 4, 818, 328 cases out of 18, 710,668 new cases around the world in 188 countries and region, a whopping 25% of new cases in the world.
We are so poor in collective spirits, that the bankrupt soul of America is reflected in our pandemic cases, reflected in less than responsible and less than competent federal government responses and lacking missteps in governance. Good thing we have John Hopkins tracking these cases and our state and local govt.
God, help and bless America so it may help others by its best practices!