A five mile long beach trail, and over 40 feet wide, might be more, a span of four car widths – so clean, free of litter, no kelp, just half shells. Mom and kid on a stroller go by, as a marathon runner. I did one mile today, while hubby did three miles today.

We met up at our breakfast place, where they generously serve three egg omelette withspreafy bacon, good to feed two of us with cheese crusty bagel. Love the ambiance of this place, sitting in one of the sidewalk tables with a beachfront view.

Thank you for this beautiful beach, a referral from my niece @Suzette Delacruz Regalo, who is familiar with all the fun and serene places in NZ.

An English family moved from Northern England and love being Kiwis, as shared to me, and were selling mandarins in a bag for $4 NZ from their backyard.

A new way of eating – adding steamed vegetables to our breakfast or dinner entrees. It fuels us with travelling energies.


