About 250+ joined the livestreamed mass at Holy Family Artesia, presided by Fr. Joachim, who spoke of the gift of Holy Spirit given to those who obey God. God does not ration the gift of the Holy Spirit. I also attended mass at Casa Santa Marta in Rome with Pope Francis. He described the once weak and fearful Peter who denied knowing the Lord was transformed. He accused the high priests in the temple of killing Jesus. He could have taken a compromise, a soft touch, which sometimes we do, the Pope said, to protect our church, but not the Holy Church.
What gave Peter that strength, he asked?
It was Jesus praying for Peter so that his faith may not fail as well as strengthen his brothers’ faith. What Jesus did for Peter, Jesus does for all of us. Contemplate Jesus who shows His wounds to God, one who intercedes for us — Jesus shows the Father the price of our salvation – His wounds. Peter, I will pray for you so your faith does not fail, says Jesus.
Have you realized that Jesus is praying for all of us, in the Church, that we may have Grace, the strength of the Holy Spirit? The Pope also prayed for the suffering poor families with children and how usurers take advantage of them.
Many families are in need that it is heartwarming to know @islandpacificmarket donated 150 bags of groceries to be distributed by @romeochocolates in Long Beach to help the poor.
Our dinner tonight is a team effort: seafood paella from @metrocafela, delivered by my favorite beautiful daughter and granddaughter; harvested lettuce into salad that I made; cinnamon challah baked by @coriput and cranberry walnut bread by @enriquedlz and I roasted asparagus.

It was a great gift of presence and thoughtfulness to exchange efforts, even if we all can’t sit down yet as a family to share meals during this #coronaviruspandemic.
Today is also the feast of St.George and the feast of Pope Francis. Thank you for these beautiful encounters of the divine via Facebook and Vatican News.
So. Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee defied scientists to reopen their public squares. Total deaths in these states as of today are 2,137.