I thank the Lord for giving me two wonderful grandchildren: 8 yo #princess2015la and 2 months old #maharlika2023la.

I am also grateful for my daughter and her spouse, my other son, for their supportive and loving teamwork.

I just love the spontaneity of the loving gestures of my 8yo to her brother: the gentle pat on the head, the kiss to greet her brother.

She told me that she will taste the food first before handing it to his brother when he gets older to eat solids. She thinks strategically far in advance how to care for him. I love that she thinks that way and her mindset is about giving care and attention to her brother.

I just enjoyed my time with my grandson yesterday. At some point I was having trouble with the new feeding bottle because I am not used to the baby crying. It hurts my heart.

So instead of my default reaction, I talked to my grandson and told him if he can be patient with his lola as she finds her way to prepare his bottle. He quieted down. Imagine that!

I woke up so happy and content this am. I kept holding the hands of my husband whom decades ago I couldn’t stand his temper, as he with mine. It turns out that we were both undiagnosed prediabetics.

As he took on the role of being a grandpa, I fell in love with him again and called him #superlolo.

The consequence of a loving abode is my granddaughter likes to spend more time with us and likes to eat dinners with us during the week.


