Today is the feast of St. John the Baptist. Just like him, we are baptized Catholic Christians with 2 distinct features of:
- baptized with holy water and the Holy Spirit
- anointed with the Lord’s mission who is priest, prophet and king.

Our mission is to be servant/leaders, as one who washes the feet of others, that is what correct leadership is, said Fr. John Cordero of @Holy Family Church in Artesia.
“Correct leadership is not a divine right, but a duty of service. We are known as Christians by our service,” he continued.
He listened to the Senate deliberations at 8pm est on Jan.6, 2021, following the incitement of a mob to an insurrection by a sitting President.
He could not forget what one speaker said, “we have to remember our roles as servant leaders.”
He proceeded to describe the waters of Baptism, how that was made holy by the Lord visiting the Jordan River.
In my visit to Jordan, this brown murky river water turned clear when I took some and put it into a water bottle container, untreated.
Fr. John described the holy waters:”The waters of truth are soft and gentle. It does not agitate, it does not incite, it does not flatter.”
Unlike the flaming words of 45th US President on twitter, Trump called the mob participants “Patriots” and said, “we love you,” and incited them to “be wild,” on Jan.6.
As an incentive, he told them he would join them. It was untrue. It was a big lie.
Much like the lies that he has been telling them that the elections were stolen.

#2020Elections were won fairly, with nearly 82 million votes for Joe Biden. It was challenged by 61 out of 60 lawsuits that Trump filed, 99% of these lawsuits were lost in the local, appellate and US Supreme Court levels.
155 million voters came out to vote, some residing abroad as US registered citizens who sent their completed ballots ahead of the elections to be counted.
50 states participated, with local counties overseeing the counting, including volunteers and thousands of media observers and analysts, party observers and their lawyers. It was a decentralized administration, with no evidence of fraud.