This social enterprise launched six months ago multiplied in orders this month. By the grace of God, I am keeping up with orders.
This beautiful precious #princess2015la affixes the labels while hubby took on the task of chopping the Philippine dried mangoes.
I want to thank my generous customers Rose Estepa IbanezBenel Se-LibanAna BurogNathan Glenn, to whom I thought I was donating and giving my labor of love to them, instead they are actually generously donating to #princess2015la‘s #collegetravelfunds with their orders.
I am very grateful that the community is actively helping my #princess2015la travel to her future college. Her parents are actively saving already for her college funds.
I am crying again as I am touched by the feedback that I am getting – the young Filipino-Americans, busy parents, and elderly are enjoying eating this #iylagranola with their #greekstyleyogurt and #freshfruits.
Thank you, Carina Oriel for sharing your vision that this could be sold. Thank you, Miko Zuñiga, for designing the label. Thank you Jeanne Weathers for encouraging me about the easy peasy food safety exam. Thank you Don Martin Sagarbarria for encouraging me about raw material sources. Thank you Cora Oriel for your first orders, boosting my morale! Thank you Mika ElaNicole David YalongHerminia CobenHydee Ursolino PichaiElaine QuadraJohn S. MinaCarol Ojeda-KimbroughCecile OchoaLolita Ortua for all your orders – they kept me sustained in goodwill! Thank you to others who ordered and whom I forgot to mention