We had a memorable stay in Rotorua with plenty of fun activities: the sheep show in Agrodome, a farm vehicle tour that took us to our primal instincts of feeding the sheep with pellets. To be surrounded by sheep of different varieties, then, taking pellets off your hand leaving you with wet, sticky saliva that made others go yuck, while others kept feeding them. Then,vineyards of green fruit called fejeioa tasted sweet and sour depending on the stage of ripeness you get them.

An obligatory stop at the gift shop where we bought alpaca scarves for family. We loved how light, how warm they felt. After, a quick lunch at Pinoy Tres Cuisine, a 4 month old restaurant located near the Living Maori Village, was a big hit for us: laing, dinuguan, adobo, bicol express, kalabasa, monggo. We had three meals from this best Pinoy restaurant in Rotorua as reviewed by the locals, run by Ma’am Leah. Visit this wonderful restaurant if you are in this part of town.

It was our afternoon and evening at Skyline Luge, where we rode gravity fed vehicles called the Luge. Three tracks offered challenging routes while others were for beginners and advanced riders. Our wholesome group photo plus our individual photos are illustrative of the joy and happiness we felt, pure sheer joy of overcoming fear with faith and encouraging support from my niece @Suzette Delacruz – Regalo. This ranks as one of the best days we had.

Next morning at 9am, we left Rotorua and headed for Wellington. It is truly a very beautiful countryside where sheep and cows have premium real estate to graze, feed, sleep and little shoebox farmhouses for the resident farmers.

Everyone we meet were sweet, kind, and helpful. At times, I am startled at their sweetness and kindness wishing the same levels of sweetness and kindness from White Americans in the USA. We got to our destination, a beautiful whole apartment where all six of us had bedspaces and no one slept on the floor as CJ did for a few nights in Rotorua.

When we got to Wellington, we had hoped for the Southern Lights but to no avail. We will try again today from 10pm to 2am.