Vote for recapturing the honest, truthful, kind, lawful, compassionate, smart, innovative, fidelity to the US Constitution, welcoming to immigrants’ soul of America, on or before Nov. 3, 2020.
Before I eat my breakfast, I attend the mass at Holy Family Artesia to put me in the right frame of mind, with prayers for family, friends, community and America and the world. Thank you Lord for 214 days of digital mass, 412 days of celery juicing.

Today, the US has the mortifying highest number of deaths from Coronavirus cases, 1 out of 5 worldwide, with 216, 406 deaths. With Brazil, India and Mexico, these top 4 countries have 52% of the worldwide deaths. Why? Self-interested leaders who are greedy for power. In the US, a new documentary, “Totally Under Control, catalogs that US slowly tested and intentionally delayed testing, leading to early deaths that could have been preventable. Worldwide, there are 38,337,435 confirmed cases with 562, 410 deaths from 189 countries/regions and US has 7, 891,674 new cases. #micasadeamore#losangelestimes