We talked about high school, graduation from high school and what if I am not there to watch her graduate? She’s asking all these questions, then, found her own answer, “Grandma, I will look up the clouds and watch you be proud of me from there. Then, we will meet again in your second life,” says #princess2015la.
She then showed me two bookmarks she made. “You can have one,” she offered.
“Grandma, thank you for everything. It is always yummy – Grandma’s cooking is always yummy, it is never ever not yummy.” How she emphasizes! To think it was just the simplest spam musubi, deconstructed with tomatoes, Manila mangoes and pears.

She then requested me to make fresh orange juice for her.

And, “Grandma, can you videotape me?” She started laughing after. She is quite a happy wholesome person.
When I inquired about the boys bullying her and her friend, she described how they want to crush the pile of dried leaves. Her friend, E and herself were cleaning up the yard. So, they stopped the boys. The boys replied, “What would you do, call the police on us?”
She said, “No this is not for the police to solve. This is between us and for you to stop.”
Next day, I asked, “How are the boys now?”
“Grandma, they are okay now. They are not bothering us.”