She came home, took off her uniform and sat down to eat snacks and shared her day.

Apo: Oops, Grandma, I made a mistake. I forgot one letter. But, I got a 100 in scissors- cutting.

Me: That’s good, because yesterday you had a lot of practice in cutting the sweet potato leaves.

Apo: Grandma, I like it here. I told my mom and dad that I will sleep here this Friday.

Grandma: That would be so nice. We will read 10 books. What would you like for dinner?

Apo: Cheese pizza, Grandma. I love you very much. And Grandma, I grow taller and taller but my dad wants me to be a baby. So I know how to be smaller, I will not eat.

Grandma: Oh no, if you don’t eat, you will get sick, your stomach will be aching and you will get a fever.

Apo: Grandma, I eat now.

Grandma: Yes, and you wash your hands before you eat. You are growing taller.

Apo: Grandma, at school, they tell us to be kind. To be responsible. To help out.

Grandma: You do all that here. You are kind to me and Grandpa. You help out in getting leaves and lettuce and tomatoes for dinner. You are responsible and you ate your snacks.

She ran outside to get the lettuce.
