I might have overdone it again.

I baked brown butter-roasted bananas-cottage cheese-blueberry cupcakes for ##maharlika2023la and made dinner for #princess2015la – cabbage-eggs-asparagus-fried rice with #spam and #sauteedveggies of #mushrooms#redbellpeppers and #broccoli. Then, my daughter, C joined us for dinner.

These precious moments of spontaneity and connections with family, I treasure so much. No one said they would come and join us. Still, my instincts said to stop reading and start baking and cooking. I do best following my instincts.

I even cleaned both bathrooms, did laundry, folded the clothes, vacuumed, and submitted my systemizer to my accountant. Why the surge in energy? I got facials yesterday and usually thar extra care leads to deep sleep with renewed energy to accomplish all these plus read 1 chapter of Four Treasures in Heaven and 27 pages of a well written theological dissertation. I am researching and got the beginning quote for my next feature essay.

I can have it all: babysitting grandchildren, having dinner with my daughter, researching, baking, cooking, laundry, cleaning. Where’s the mister? He picked up one grandchild, did the dishes, backyard work, and earlier walked 4 miles.

