In Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim Progress’ you may recall the description of the Man with the Muck-rake, the man who could look no way but downward, with the muck-rake in his hand;...
LIFE & STYLE, LIFESTYLE COLUMNISTS ‘The Man with the Muck-rake’: Common good requires truth and facts by PROSY ABARQUEZ DELA CRUZ, J.D. Previously published in Asian Journal “In Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim...
“Religion begins in the sensation that your life makes sense within a larger one, that you and the animals have a bond, that the trees and rocks and rivers are...
“Everyone is born with a rainbow of talents. However, as immigrants, we are often faced with challenges – the need to assimilate and the ardent desire to make it in...
I am grateful to Asian Journal for my column, actually it was last Nov. 2017 to mark my writing for 10 years – imagine over 600 submissions now. 600+ submissions...
“Few individuals have plumbed the depths of their rage, hatred, terror, jealousy, and despair or the scope of their wisdom and power of their compassion, yet these currents run beneath...
Few individuals have plumbed the depths of their rage, hatred, terror, jealousy, and despair or the scope of their wisdom and power of their compassion, yet these currents run beneath...
“But that is the way God gives. His gifts are never quite what we expect, but always something better than we hoped for. We can only dream of things too...