Several days ago #maharlika2023la turned 2 years old. He is kind and says “what happened” to find out how he can help. Then, he says, “bless you,” when I cough. He even hands me a baby wipe.

He is loving and said, “Missing Mama, Missing Papa, Missing E..” I hugged and kissed him. On the way out, I might get an ‘I love you.”

But, boy, does he have a temper. When he does, I noticed his dad in a soft tone, tenderly tells him, not to hit. His mom reminds him to use his words.

One day, he was whining and stomped his feet laying on the floor. I said softly that in this house, we use words. He got up from the floor and said:”Help me, please!” I learned my lesson and he learned his.

After, our day together is laughter, singing, playing outside, cocomelon songs, and eating fruits and yogurt. Happy 2nd birthday my dear apo! You are truly God’s blessing and with your sister #princess2015la you both are #graceupongrace!

I need to remember my passionate priceless treasures from God.

When we had another impromptu birthday party, his immediate family, he patiently waited for his cake. He sat calmly and observed the candles lit by his mom. He blew out the candles, one at a time, with no coaching. He then opened his gifts and immediately read the book on Thomas, the train.

Happy Birthday #maharlika2023la! You are a gem.